Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keeping the momentum

The meeting yesterday was incredibly successful—what a collaborative effort! Each of the co-conveners thank you for all you brought to the meeting both on-site and online. 

Now, we want to we can keep the momentum going! We have created a listserv for meeting attendees to communicate about health reform in the future. If you were unable to attend the on-site meeting but would like to be included in the listserv, simply send an email to

We will use the following process to follow up with the energy from the meeting:
  1. Determine common principles based on the principles identified by each small group discussion.
  2. Compile all text from the meeting; including blog entries, comments, Twitter postings, and group transcripts. (All of this information will be completed by Monday, June 22, 2009).
  3. Explain common principles by providing real-life examples as given in the text from the meeting. We will send this information to all meeting participants on the afternoon of Monday, June 22, 2009 and allow a few days for comments and revision of the principles.
  4. Revise the principles based on the comments.
  5. Send the principles out widely for organizational sign on (with about 1 week for turnaround).
  6. Send the principles to policy makers and to the presidential administration.

If you are willing to serve on a work group dedicated to the above tasks, please contact

Continue to share your thoughts and ideas here as we move forward together!

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