Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Introductory Remarks

Opening remarks at the meeting have begun. There are about 75 advocates present representing a range of industry, nonprofit, and association representatives. We’re ready to have a free flowing brainstorming on a high level to talk about what are our internal concerns are, as an example of things we want to change in health reform.

What topics do you want to discuss today? Post your comments below! Anything relevant to health and health reform is open for discussion.


  1. I would like there to be a breakdown of contributions to the higher and higher price tags on health care. Without identifying the causes, solutions are largely academic. With the constant emergence of more and more expensive high-technology diagnostics, why is it that prices are expected to remain the same (or even decrease for that matter)? Lessons from the computer industry shows that the cutting edge is more expensive for a short while, but tails off. This doesn't hold true in health care expenses. Also, with an aging population, shouldn't it be obvious that health care expenditures will increase proportionately? These are the types of questions I would like to see addressed and posed.

  2. Thank you for your comment! Money, affordability, and costs in real-life situations given technological advances, are topics that have emerged as a topic at the meeting. Please continue to post your commentary and we will work it into the meeting on-site!

  3. Thanks for the discussion. We need more of this.
