Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Taking a 5 minute break for refreshments. Live blogging from bloggers in each break out group next!


  1. On behalf of RetireSafe's 400,000 senior citizen supporters across America, we commend BIO for hosting, the Genetic Alliance for organizing, and FasterCures, Research!America and others for being co-conveners of today's discussion. I'm sorry I can't be there today, but one of the issues I hope you will consider is how "health care reform" can be be built upon a foundation of $600 billion plus in funding cuts to Medicare and Medicare. No matter how it might be spun, those cuts will most certainly hurt the elderly and the poor over the next decade. RetireSafe opposes those cuts, and we will do everything we can to be sure older Americans understand that they will (essentially) be paying for health care reform by cuts to their quality of care.
    I will leave you with the thought that if these cuts were proposed by a Republican President, we would collectively be marching on the White House. Any health care reform should be funded by all Americans, not on the backs of seniors. Thanks, and best regards to you all,
    Al Cors, Jr., RetireSafe (

  2. Thank you, we are introducing your comment into the economics small breakout group for discussion right now.
