Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Delivery Systems Discussion Principles

The delivery systesm team identified the following:
  • Meeting half way to coordinate what are appropriate measures for accountability and how that will be implemented
  • Coordinating care
  • Support policies that facilitate portability that works together with information systems and the standards for those systems
  • HIT must not just shift the venue, but improve access to information, while balancing self-selected privacy
  • Eliminate community rating in insurance principles
  • What are the incentives toward wellness and how can we encourage that
  • How can we incentivize providers staying updated on research and treatment
  • Centralized consumer feedback portal on providers
  • Standardize provider-payer process

What is missing here?


  1. One of the meeting participants suggested that removing more community ratings would require protections being put in place to protect rare and neglect disorders.

  2. I would say these will be the most difficult discussions.

    People are naturally self-centered. To get the masses to understand that to help them as an individual, you must first step back and look at the species as a whole. We are all part of the Human Race, first and foremost.

  3. Patients with chronical or genetic diseases already struggle to life a normal life. The way our health care deliver services often push them further away from that direction. A young patient doing well in school face the issue of having to skip classes regularly for routine doctor's visit. The hospital may not have evening or weekend treatment arrangement, forcing the students to take days off for routine treatments, which means they have to skip quiz, mid-term, or final exams. There may not be a fair playing field for these patients to be normal!

  4. Under currently health care system, many patients are limited by their insurance to stay with certain providers (e.g. HMO). Unfortunately some of those doctors are not up-to-date in the treatments they provide, and not very open to other's opinions. It would be nice to have measurements from credible organization to reveal the results. e.g. average life of patients with X disease treated by different hospitals/doctors.

  5. Universal access to optimal care may eliminate the majority of the privacy concerns. Many of the privacy concerns are against the insurance companys or the employers, for fear the patients or family will be discriminated and cannot afford the medical expenses. With Universal access, not only these concerns can be eleminated, people can stop worrying, go with their full potential, be more productive, and choose the jobs they like. Without this layer of privacy concern, patients will be more supportive to use their health data for research and the betterment of treatments.
